
This site shows information about the different elements used on the Freave site and the Freave Client Portal. This page shows general information, you can find more specific information for the site or the Client Portal on their respective pages.

When you are adding a new element you should add the "element" class to it's own parent (wrap). This adds padding on the top and bottom of the element. If you don't need that you add one of the following classes on top: "no_padding", "no_padding_top" or "no_padding_bottom".

Most of the times you would add some space on the bottom of the page. Just add an empty div element with the "end_space" class to accomplish that.

Freave Colors

Click to copy.





Light Grey




Dark Grey


Freave logo's

(Background color added to show logo.)
Type Name Size Url
SVG Header Any format
Type Name Size Url
SVG Logo Any format
PNG Logo 2362 x 2362
PNG Logo 2000 x 2000
PNG Logo 1000 x 1000
PNG Logo 500 x 500
PNG Logo 250 x 250
PNG Logo 100 x 100


H1 Title

H2 Title

H3 Title

H4 Title

H5 Title
H6 Title

Adding headings is very straightforward but there are a few short rules. They are essential in optimizing a web page for better SEO visibility. The more the heading tags level increases (h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6), the less important will be considered its content by the search engines.

  • Documents should not skip levels (for example, from H1 to H3)
  • One H1 tag on any page
  • Use as many as required H2 tags to denote sections on the page (you should only need one, two or three to keep your page concise)
  • It is important to keep implementation consistent across the entire site to maximise usability
  • H1 to H6 tags introduce the content that follows