Guide - Client Portal

This page represents a more structured version of the elements page. You can read when and how you should use the elements. Also there are more examples.

When you are adding a new element you should add the "element" class to it's own parent (wrap). This adds padding on the top and bottom of the element. If you don't need that you add one of the following classes on top: "no_padding", "no_padding_top" or "no_padding_bottom".

Most of the times you would add some space on the bottom of the page. Just add an empty div element with the "end_space" class to accomplish that.


This is a forms example for the Client Portal.

Forms example

Click here to go to the link.


Form with text

You can put some text to the right of the form like this. You can use this to show more information.

Here is some more text.


This is an example of a table.

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 Header 4 Header 6
row 1 - header 1 row 1 - header 2 row 1 - header 3 row 1 - header 4 row 1 - header 5
row 2 - header 1 row 2 - header 2 row 2 - header 3 row 2 - header 4 row 2 - header 5
row 3 - header 1 row 3 - header 2 row 3 - header 3 row 3 - header 4 row 3 - header 5
Add extra information here.


Some examples for cards.

Title goes here.

You can use this text to explain the information that is shown to the right.


Header 1

Put links here or address information, that sort of stuff.

Header 2

Content 2 - A link.

Header 3

Content 2.
Multiple lines.


These are all the alerts available.